Russia - 25 july 2022
Russia - 25 july 2022
Russia - 25 july 2022
Russia - 25 july 2022
Russia - 25 july 2022
01 july 2022
24 june 2022
Russia - 09 june 2022
News from the portal "Tahiamasr" about the participation of the IPC participant Mahmoud El-Kot in the International Forum of People's Diplomacy, dedicated to the fifth anniversary of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly
Egypt - 09 june 2022
Material of the TV channel “Greater Asia” on the results of the plenary session “People's Diplomacy. New Mechanisms for Building a Shared Future”, co-organized by the participants of the International Project Congress
Russia - 08 june 2022
Material of the News-Asia portal about the thematic session of the Eurasian Economic Forum "Strategy 2025: young people's view of the development of the EAEU", where IPC participants took part
02 june 2022
The news of the "Azerbaijan State News Agency" about the debate championship held in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, co-organized by the Deputy Chairman of the International Project Congress Askar Shaikidinov
Azerbaijan - 02 june 2022
News from the Text agency about the speech of the representatives of the International Project Congress at the first Eurasian Economic Forum
Russia - 30 may 2022
News from the website "News of Perm" about the speech of representatives of the International Project Congress at the site "Strategy 2025: Youth's view of the development of the EAEU"
Russia - 28 may 2022
News from the SB news portal about the meeting of representatives of the Youth Parliaments from the Brest and Grodno regions, which was attended by the representative of the IPC Yulia Rogashchuk
Belarus - 28 april 2022
Material of the Kyrgyz National University named after Zhusup Balasagyn about a guest lecture on the topic: “Kyrgyzstan in 1906 through the eyes of two Frenchmen”, in which the Deputy Chairman of the IPC Askar Shaikidinov took part
Kyrgyzstan - 20 april 2022
News from National Television about the creative marathon “Flowers of the Great Victory”, co-organized by IPC participant Yuri Segenyuk
Belarus - 14 april 2022
News from the MGIMO portal about the II Forum of Chairmen of Student Scientific Societies of Universities in Moscow and the Moscow Region, in which Diana Kadyrova, a member of the IPC, held a master class on optimizing the activities of SSS
Russia - 21 march 2022
Material on the website of the National Council of Youth and Children's Associations of Russia about the I Forum of Youth Initiatives of Azerbaijan and Russia, where IPC member Anastasia Lavrina took part
Russia - 04 march 2022
News from the "Sputnik" media about the participation of IPC member Anastasia Lavrina in the I Forum of Youth Initiatives of Azerbaijan and Russia
Azerbaijan - 03 march 2022
The news of the "Azerbaijan State Information Agency" about the meeting of the Republican Council of the Russian Community of Azerbaijan, where the representative of the IPC Anastasia Lavrina spoke
Azerbaijan - 19 february 2022
News from the portal "Federal Press" about the participation of the Chairman of the IPC in the meeting of the Parliament of Venezuela
Russia - 8 february 2022
News from the "Text" agency about the meeting of the Chairman of the IPC with Venezuelan politicians and participation in the meeting of the Venezuelan Parliament
Russia - 7 february 2022
Material from the "ProGorod" portal on the participation of the Chairman of the IPC in a meeting of the Venezuelan Parliament
Russia - 4 february 2022
Publication in the account of the Ministry of Culture, Information, Sports and Youth Policy under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic about the general conference of the International Project Congress
Kyrgyzstan - 21 january 2022
News of the “Text” agency about the conference of the International Project Congress
Russia - 19 january 2022
Publication in the account of the Organization of the United Youth of Kyrgyzstan about the January conference of the IPC
Kyrgyzstan - 19 january 2022
News on the website of the city administration of Perm about the January conference of the IPC
Russia - 18 january 2022
News of the Progorod portal about the general conference of the International Project Congress
Russia - 18 january 2022
Material from the State Committee of Work with the Diaspora of Azerbaijan on the participation of representatives of the IPC in a meeting with Fuad Muradov
Azerbaijan - 21 december 2021
Material in the official account of the Russian Embassy in Azerbaijan on the establishment of inter-parliamentary interactions within the framework of the IPC
Azerbaijan - 21 december 2021
News from the State Committee of Azerbaijan on the project "Diaspora Youth 1 + 1" with the participation of representatives of the IPC
Azerbaijan - 18 december 2021
News from the portal "Day.Az" about the start of the project "Diaspora Youth 1 + 1" together with representatives of the IPC
Azerbaijan - 17 december 2021
News from the "Day.Az" portal about the start of the "Diaspora Youth 1 + 1" project
Azerbaijan - 16 december 2021
News from the TASS agency about the participation of the representative of the IPC Anastasia Lavrina in a photo exhibition dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the formation of the CIS
Russia - 08 december 2021
News from the portal "ProGorod" that the project "Like the driver" will be launched in other countries
Russia - 12 november 2021
The news of the newspaper "Our Krai" about the meeting of the IPC participant Yulia Rogashchuk with the participants of the Youth Parliament under the Baranovichi City Council of Deputies as part of an off-site meeting in Brest
Belarus - 02 november 2021
The news of the "Azerbaijan State Information Agency" about the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Rossotrudnichestvo "New Generation" program, in which the representative of the IPC Anastasia Lavrina took part
Azerbaijan - 28 october 2021
News from the Interfax-Azerbaijan website about the opening of the Friendship Club of the Peoples of Azerbaijan and Russia, where representatives of the IPC took part
Azerbaijan - 27 august 2021
Material of the portal "" about the meeting of the IPC participant Anastasia Lavrina with the leadership of the House of Friendship of the Peoples of Tatarstan
Russia - 28 july 2021
News on the Uyezdny City website about the Forum of Young Parliamentarians in the Federation Council, where the representative of the IPC Hussein Ali Al-Ramahi spoke
Russia - 28 july 2021
Pakistán - 01 july 2021
Pakistán - 01 july 2021
The news of the Sputnik media about the participation of the representative of the IPC Anastasia Lavrina in awarding diplomas for active work for the benefit of the development of cultural ties and strengthening cooperation between Russia and Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan - 18 march 2021
Address: 614000, Russia, Perm, Gorky st. 14A