
IPC participant from Cameroon Harrison Ashangwa is selected to join the CEE-Change Fellowship

The CEE-Change Fellowship Program is a program organized by EE360+ in partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and additional support from the Cedar Tree Foundation to strengthen environmental education and civic engagement with a particular focus on climate change and education. In 2023 thirty educators and community leaders, who are working around the world to address today’s complex environmental and social concerns at local, regional, and national levels, were selected to participate.

For the duration of the Fellowship, which runs until June 30, 2024, the Fellows will receive professional development, leadership training, mini–grant funding, and opportunities to grow their professional network. Fellows will also receive scholarships to attend the 2023 and 2024 NAAEE Conferences. In addition, each Fellow will develop and implement a Community Action Project that seeks to advance a more equitable and sustainable future. Projects vary greatly depending on community needs, from cultivating environmental stewardship in youth across Malawi to creating a college campus collaborative group that fosters civic engagement on climate issues in Pennsylvania.