2022-09-10 10:54

Representatives of the IPC from Russia launched the InterPlays program

On September 10, the InterPlays program was launched in Moscow. Participants were able to discuss such important components of every person's life as dreams, goals and motivation. The final block of the event was a team game Imaginarium. A series of InterPlays events is aimed at developing international youth dialogue and soft-skills among foreign and Russian students through trainings and master classes.

October 1st, the team of the International Youth Center SuperNova will begin the implementation of the social project "Cultural Facets", which is aimed at adapting foreign students to a new environment.

The program is organized by the international youth center SuperNova, led by IPC participant Daria Katkova.

Daria Katkova: "InterPlays is a platform where everyone can practice a foreign language, find like-minded people, discuss important aspects of life and develop their skills. The "Cultural Facets" project will be an opportunity for foreign students to find their calling in Russia. SuperNova International Youth Center Team is looking forward to the launch of the project and welcomes everyone to the events."