According to the results of the joint SputnikPro master class from the Russia Today media group and the International Project Congress, the IPC was joined by:
• Mbaye Djibrirou - Journalist at Sentv.Info, President of Jeunes Uni (Fora Diawara), Founding President of Les OASIS Humanitarian Association
• Boudal Ndiat - Journalist and editor of the newspaper Dakarexpress and La Voix du Migrant
• Cherif Abdoul Aziz Toure - Director of Dabakh FM radio station
• Nando Cabral Gomis - journalist, head of the political service of the newspaper Sud daily
• Tidian Bamadio - Journalist at Le Hogon
• Lin dit Moussa Diallo - Journalist, member of Doniblog
• Mbaye Djibrirou - Journalist at Sentv.Info, President of Jeunes Uni (Fora Diawara), Founding President of Les OASIS Humanitarian Association
• Boudal Ndiat - Journalist and editor of the newspaper Dakarexpress and La Voix du Migrant
• Cherif Abdoul Aziz Toure - Director of Dabakh FM radio station
• Nando Cabral Gomis - journalist, head of the political service of the newspaper Sud daily
• Tidian Bamadio - Journalist at Le Hogon
• Lin dit Moussa Diallo - Journalist, member of Doniblog