
IPC representation expanded in Senegal and Mali

According to the results of the joint SputnikPro master class from the Russia Today media group and the International Project Congress, the IPC was joined by:


• Mbaye Djibrirou - Journalist at Sentv.Info, President of Jeunes Uni (Fora Diawara), Founding President of Les OASIS Humanitarian Association

• Boudal Ndiat - Journalist and editor of the newspaper Dakarexpress and La Voix du Migrant

• Cherif Abdoul Aziz Toure - Director of Dabakh FM radio station

• Nando Cabral Gomis - journalist, head of the political service of the newspaper Sud daily


• Tidian Bamadio - Journalist at Le Hogon

• Lin dit Moussa Diallo - Journalist, member of Doniblog