The representation of the IPC has been expanded in several countries
IPC was joined by:
Pakistan: FAISAL ILYAS - Executive Director of Peace Hope Pakistan at local, national, regional and global levels for the promotion of peace and interfaith harmony; - Member of Amnesty International; - Member of the Asian Youth Peace Network (APYN);
India: PIYUSH HEMANT GAUNS DESSAI - Member of Young Leaders council of the All India Management Association; - Member of the group “Young Indians (Goa)”, whose objective was to create a platform for young Indians to realize the dream of a developed nation; - Fellow of the Chief Minister's Fellowship to do research and draft policies for the government in the field of urban reforms for the state of Goa; - Political strategist and analyst for the Political Research Committee
Nigeria: CHIMA RAYMOND UKWA - Executive Director of DevCA Initiative; - Solutions Design Consultant working on eliminating harmful traditional practices and violence against women and girls;
Cote D'Ivoire: MOUHAMADOU DOSSO - Co-founder and President of the African Youth Union for Democracy; - Writer-expert in the field of institutional communications, politics and marketing; - Founder of the Association of Student Entrepreneurship Platforms of Côte d'Ivoire; - Regional Director of the Global Peace Chain in Côte d'Ivoire.