
IPC participant from Kyrgyzstan Askar Shaikidinov spoke at the conference “Children’s movement as a social institution of education: history, theory, practice, prospects”

The 1st international scientific and practical conference “Children’s movement as a social institution of education: history, theory, practice, prospects”, organized by the All-Russian social and state movement of children and youth “Movement of the First” was held from December 4 to 6 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The purpose of the conference was to intensify the process of exchange of new ideas and developments, best practices in organizing educational work with children and youth, as well as the development of cooperation between organizers, participants and partners of the children's movement.

IPC participant from Kyrgyzstan, head of the Youth Policy Department of the Ministry of Culture, Information, Sports and Youth Policy of the Kyrgyz Republic Askar Shaikidinov became the speaker of the section “Development of leadership and children's self-government in organizations of general, professional and higher education.”