2022-02-02 12:52

IPC chairman met with authorities and young leaders of Venezuela

At the end of January, Ilya Lisnyak, Chairman of the International Project Congress, visited Venezuela. During a series of meetings with officials of the country and leaders of youth movements, a number of important agreements were reached:

1) A meeting was held with the leadership of the Ayacucho Foundation. This state structure of the Venezuelan Ministry of Education is engaged in educational exchanges and funds Venezuelan students and specialists to study in various countries of the world. Based on the results of the meeting, Sebastian Nieto Fuenmayor, Vice President of the Ayacucho Foundation, will work on expanding the list of Russian universities participating in the program for 2023, and Venezuelan students and graduates around the world will be involved in the implementation of IPC projects.
2) Ilya Lisnyak took part in the plenary session of the National Assembly of Venezuela, met with deputies and Vice Speaker of the Venezuelan Parliament Vanesa Montero Lopez. Based on the results of the meeting, the leaders of the Somos Venezuela political movement will be sent to the IPC, and the topics for international discussion proposed by the Venezuelan deputies will become the main ones at the next IPC conference.
3) A series of meetings were held with the Venezuelan participants of the IPC. Ramon Pomblas acted as a partner of Ilya Lisnyak at all official meetings, Anael Ruiz proposed a number of cultural projects for consideration by the IPC. Due to the coronavirus infection, some IPC participants were unable to attend the meetings.
4) Ilya Lisnyak had a meeting with the head of a group of Venezuelan developers who created a new IT product on the topic of COVID-19. It determines the degree of danger of infection in a particular location in real time. The app relies on vaccination data, PCR test results for each citizen, and other sources of information. At the request of the Venezuelan programmers, the chairman of the IPC will send information about these developments to the Russian authorities.
5) A meeting was held with the Komsomol of the Communist Party of Venezuela. The General Secretary of this youth organization, Hanoi Rosas, is a member of the World Federation of Democratic Youth, this experience of international youth cooperation will be studied for use in the activities of the IPC.

The issue of the next visit of the Chairman of the IPC to Venezuela at the end of 2022 is being worked out. Also visits to Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Croatia are being planned, and also to a number of new countries that have shown interest in being included in the IPC.