The IPC was created in June 2020, its organizing committee includes representatives from seven countries: Russia, Venezuela, China, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan. In addition to joint discussion events, the participants of the International Project Congress exchange successful projects in the field of youth policy, use the experience of colleagues from other regions and countries in their public activities. The right to hold common events is transferred one by one to representatives of different countries: the first IPC conference in June was held by Russia, the second event in September was hosted by the Azerbaijani side, and representatives of the Belarusian youth volunteered to hold the final third event of the year.
Ilia LISNIAK, Deputy of Legislative Assembly of Perm Region:
- The idea of creating an International Project Congress came to me in September 2019, when we, as part of a delegation of young leaders from Russia, visited Caracas, established contacts with Venezuelan youth leaders and held a series of meetings with deputies of the National Assembly, members of the Venezuelan Government and President Nicolas Maduro. Therefore, cooperation with Latin American youth is in the roots of our international project, now we want to try and expand the geography to other CELAC countries.
Participants of the Russia-CELAC forum became interested in Ilya Lisnyak's proposal; in early 2021, it is planned to include new representatives to the IGC.
In addition to the IGC, the forum participants also discussed the situation with youth policy in Bolivia after the overthrow of Evo Morales, studied the experience of Chilean and Peruvian youth associations in involving young leaders in solving national problems, considered the position of Brazilian working youth in the context of a multipolar world and the development of relations between Russia and the CELAC countries. ... Representatives of Ecuadorian universities presented the report "Ecuadorian Movement for Friendship with Russia" and the cultural project "Ecuador - Russia". Representatives of Mexico, Argentina and Venezuela spoke about their own approaches to youth policy.