2022-07-22 11:16

IPC participants met with Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation hosted a meeting between Sergey Lavrov and the heads of key public organizations involved in international cooperation and public diplomacy. The meeting was attended by the Chairman of the International Project Congress Ilya Lisnyak and the Secretary of the IPC Mark Korobov.

Sergei Lavrov said:
“I am glad that after the pandemic breaks we can resume face-to-face communication between our ministry and representatives of non-profit organizations that deal with foreign policy issues. It is very important to feel the position, the breath, the mood of civil society – the President of Russia has spoken about this more than once.”

Ilya Lisnyak reported to Sergey Lavrov on the successes in the cooperation of well-known young leaders from different countries at the site of the International Project Congress. Over the past months, the geography of the IPC has been expanded to 23 participating countries, and now the issue of holding a face-to-face conference of IPC participants in Russia is being worked out. The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affaris noted that simplified visa procedures are possible for such events, and instructed the responsible officials of the ministry to carefully study Ilya Lisnyak's appeal on this event.

Mark Korobov thanked the Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Relations with the Subjects of the Russian Federation, Parliament and Public Associations for the systematic support of non-governmental organizations and assistance in resolving organizational issues.

Leonid Drachevsky, executive director of the Gorchakov Foundation, also addressed the participants of the meeting. He spoke about the courses for non-profit organizations in the field of international cooperation, which the Foundation has been conducting since 2016.

Leonid Drachevsky noted:
“The program has shown its effectiveness, first of all, by a more thorough and high-quality study of projects. The experience gained by NGOs is used to apply not only to the Gorchakov Foundation, but also to other grant organizations. Also, organizations “overgrow” with useful connections that help in the implementation of projects”

Photo: Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs