2022-03-03 12:47

Azerbaijani participants of the IPC participated in the organization of the 1st Forum of youth initiatives of Azerbaijan and Russia

On March 1-3, the city of Gusar (Azerbaijan) hosted the 1st Forum of Youth Initiatives of Azerbaijan and Russia. The forum was held by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Azerbaijan jointly with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs of the Russian Federation. Support for the forum was provided by the administrations of the presidents of Russia and Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijani participants of the International Project Congress took an active part in organizing and holding the forum. Member of the IPC, representative of the International Relations Committee of the National Assembly (Milli Majlis) of Azerbaijan Ayan Ismayilova moderated the section dedicated to the Sustainable Development Goals. In the past, Ayan Ismayilova was the UN SDG Young Ambassador in Azerbaijan, and shared her experience in promoting sustainable development goals among the youth.

Member of the IPC, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Community of Azerbaijan Anastasia Lavrina acted as a speaker in the section “Cross-cultural interaction. The role of social networks and Internet space”. She told the forum participants about the activities of the International Project Congress. It is expected that according to the results of the forum, the IPC will be replenished with new participants from Azerbaijan and Russia.

Anastasia LAVRINA, member of the International Project Congress:
  • This year Azerbaijan and Russia are celebrating the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. Recently, the presidents of the two countries signed a declaration that takes bilateral relations to a new level. Today it is extremely important to find common points of interaction and develop a joint agenda, albeit for the time being most often in an online format

As part of the Russian delegation on behalf of compatriots living in Azerbaijan, a member of the IPC Sergey Danilov spoke at the forum. He took part in the sections "Educational projects", "Internet - a space of opportunities and self-realization" and "Volunteering among the youth."